Tsavo National Park

The first thing you notice when you approach Tsavo National Park is a vast plain, covered with dry vegetation, which is covered special deep red loam.
It should be noted first that this is probably one of the wildest places in the world. And how else, after the area it is situated in is huge - 20 812 sq. km. With these dimensions Park Tsavo ranks first in size in Kenya. It is also one of the largest in the world. Its territory covers an area greater than countries like Jamaica.
Excursion to the protected locality offers you to watch different herds of wild animals while dining comfortably in a hotel. Nairobi- Mombasa highway passes through the park, and divides the territory in east and west. The western part is smaller in size and offers great opportunities for tourism.
In Tsavo is the waterfall Lugard, whose turbulent waters fall from picturesque rocks. About 200 liters of fresh carbonated water does flow from the volcanic Mzima springs.
This is another animal paradise Africa. It holds more than 60 species of large mammals and over 1000 plant species, who survive in its inhospitable volcanic areas.
Different types of geologic soil, mountains, rivers, absolutely pristine nature and hot springs fill Mzima with crystal clear water and have turned it into an international treasure - a paradise for all kinds of animals, especially elephants and lions. Among other local residents are hippos, crocodiles, gazelles, zebras, giraffes and monkeys. Thousands of birds enjoy the water, as well as acacia and palm trees.
Rocky fragments and the cooled- rock lava rivers give a natural sense of cherishing wild territory for centuries. Here the elephants are pink, not because they are a special type, but because of the thin layer of red dust, which covers Tsavo National Park.

To the delight of tourists, an underwater glass observation platform was built, where you can safely enjoy a variety of the underwater world. Desert roses, much like a small baobab, blooms almost year round and is very beautiful pink color.
In Tsavo National Park, in June and September 1962, all the elephants were counted from an airplane. Due to the large size of elephants and almost open field census was pretty accurate. In June they counted 6825 elephants, and in September - 10, 799, to which should be added another 4, 804 animals from areas bordering the park.