Winchester Cathedral

Winchester Cathedral is a remarkable religious building. In essence it is a cathedral of the Diocese of Winchester, which is part of the English Church. Winchester Cathedral is situated in the English city of Winchester, which is located in the county of Hampshire. Winchester Cathedral is considered one of the largest in the territory of England. Its strict Gothic architecture is home to the longest nave among English churches, and its total length has no equal among all Gothic cathedrals in Europe.
Winchester Cathedral is dedicated to the Holy Trinity of St. Peter, of St. Paul and St. Swithun. Today around this temple in Winchester are a number of events and a whole complex that offers accommodation services for visitors. The temple goes back more than 13 centuries, and since then the temple has played an important role in the life of the historic city of Winchester, and makes no small contribution to all the people of England.
The history of the monastery began in 642, when the function of it was that of a monastery. Today, the monastery is slightly away from the cathedral and is known as the Old Monastery. In 971 there is a generally formed monastic settlement. Today there are still burial sarcophagi of several Saxon kings, including King Eadwig of England, here. The foundations of this cathedral of Winchester were made in 1079.
In 1093 under the auspices of Bishop Wakelin, on April 8, in the presence of almost all the bishops and abbots of England, the monks of the old monastery officially moved into the newly built Cathedral of Winchester. From its early history, the cathedral is home to Benedict monks. From this period we can still see remnants of monastic cells in one of the divisions of the monastery.
Here develop the religious activities of the monks of Opus Day, performing in the Cathedral Winchester their religious rituals with singing and prayer in a circle.

Much of today’s Cathedral Winchester is dedicated to Jane Austen, who dies here. Today the monastery regularly holds exhibitions and during the summer months there are many organized events connected again with the writer.
At the exhibition in the Cathedral Winchester visitors have the opportunity to learn all the curious exhibition details and information about the childhood creativity, illness and funeral of Jane Austen. Along with this exhibition in the temple are displayed other exhibits related to the Winchester Cathedral and the same named College.
Winchester Cathedral was the inspiration for a line of world-renowned artists. Here in 2005 is even shot a film version of Dan Brown's bestseller "The Da Vinci Code". There are 14 solemnly voiced bells. The biggest of them reaches an impressive 1.81 tons.