Sedona Arizona

Sedona is a unique city, located 120 km north of Phoenix in Arizona. This town is famous for its red rocks sandeel which are situated between Yavapai and Verde Valley. Besides being exceptionally beautiful the town is a lively cultural center with a unique atmosphere.
Here artists have formed one of the largest such communities, resulting in Sedona having over 100 art galleries. International cultural festivals are also not missing there.
Each year the town hosts the International Film Festival Sedona, Festival of Arts and Sedona Jazz festival. This area is one loved tourist destination because there guests can stay and practice at will their favorite sports. Opportunities for exciting outdoor adventures are of many - mountain biking, hiking and off road travel.
Founded in 1902 the city became the meeting place of many spiritual people who believed that the red rocks around there had a particular energy that was concentrated in certain areas, called vortexes.
According to followers that energy can be used for the treatment of physical and psychological diseases. These centers complement the spa and several luxury resorts, to turn the city into one of the most preferred destinations for rest of Americans.

Repeated numerous publications in the country are designating these lands and the unique red rocks sandeel as the most beautiful place in the U.S.
Another interesting tourist attraction in Sedona is Boyntan canyon. This place is also unique in its kind, because in the rock vertical walls you can still see the rock caves that served the local housing centuries ago. In the vicinity of the city the interesting, Chapel Road is preserved, which is carved in the rocks where you can find beautiful views of the surrounding areas.