Rakvere Castle

Rakvere Castle in Estland

Estonia has managed to preserve through the centuries several fine examples of medieval castles. One of these is Rakvere Castle, which is situated in the Estonian city located in the north, around 20 miles south of the Gulf of Finland.

The foundations of the medieval defensive fortification of Rakvere were built in the 14 century, when Northern Estonia was under Danish rule. Around 1343 an invasion took place to get rid of Danish influence and succeed, but on behalf of that fall into the hands of the Germans. The castle was then occuped run by Livonian Knights (Livonian Order) members, who strengthened the castle by building high protective walls.

During the Livonian War between 1558-1581, the castle was attacked, conquered and ultimately destroyed by the Russians. But in 1581 Sweden captured the town and castle. From 1602 to 1605 fell under the control of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1605, they withdrew from the castle and destroyed it..

Today Rakvere Castle is in ruins but has become an interesting tourist attraction. Very close to the fortress on the same hill on which it stands, we can see a statue of a giant bull who is a favorite of locals and guests of the town.

Rakvere Castle Ruins

Regularly behind the walls of the castle different cultural events are held.. In addition to the museum in the fortress there can be seen weapons, medieval instruments of torture and also you can trace the fascinating history of the Livonian knights.

Also the castle offers visitors a lot of different and interesting activities, including archery or crossbow, fighting with swords.

You can even try your hand at been a blacksmith and make your own coin. Also you can see the guns of Rakvere Castle. In the dungeons you can enjoy medieval wine tasting and visit the restaurant which serves medieval dishes.



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