»Articles»Castles»Germany»Schonburg Castle

Schonburg Castle

Schonburg Castle on Rhine

A cruise along the beautiful River Rhine in Germany is one of the nicest gifts one can give to themselves and their loved ones. Traveling along the eyesight of a man is surrounded by fertile grape plantations, hills, forests and historic castles, literally mushrooming. Castle Schonburg is one of them. It is located just down the river from the medieval palace Gutenfels near the town of Kaub in the German province of Rhineland Palatinate in Germany.

Today Schonburg is synonymous with excellent wines, historical memory and first class service. It overlooks the historic town Oberwesel - a city whose resources are celebrated by many poets during the romantic period. Popular with its beautiful towers, the castle Schonburg sits against the legendary Lorelei Rock, between the towns Rüdesheim and Koblenz. Schonburg and its colorful facade of the south stand on the upper side of the middle Rhine, protected as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Medieval Schonburg has more than 1000 years of history.

When one looks at the panorama of the valley, sees sequentially (left to right) part of the Great Wall, followed by a majestic knights hall, the red facade of an existing hotel with rooms from which a magnificent view of the Rhine, prison tower, and at the right is the International Youth castle known as Jugendburg. Among other parts of the complex are still an inspiring river terrace, chapel, knight's hall and a tower at the gate.

Not accidentally, the name translation Schonburg means "beautiful castle". Castle, which probably dates from the first half of 12 century, was built at the northern foot of the mountain chain. It is owned by the Archbishop of Magdeburg, then became the possession of Emperor Friedrich I in 1166, which converts Schonburg into the imperial palace in 1216.

Since 12 century Schonburg is owned by one of the most famous families at that time bearing the same name. They ruled the area Oberwesel by collecting customs duties from traders who crossed the river and mountain passes. The last member of the noble family - Friedrich von Schonburg, Marshal of France, lived in the castle in the 18 century.

At one point in its history Schonburg serves as a shelter to more than 250 people from 24 families. In 1689, it, like many other castles of the Rhine like Frankenstein Castle, was burned to the ground by French troops in 1689, over the next two hundred years Schonburg sank into oblivion until it was rebuilt in 1914

Today Schonburg functions as an attractive hotel that offers 2 single rooms and 18 double rooms with 2 suites, furnished with authentic furnishings. Corridors in Schonburg are a true maze that must be investigated. The castle has a pleasant restaurant with outdoor garden. Outside the palace, one can embark on a walk among the picturesque vineyards or to travel around the medieval streets of the town Oberwesel.



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