Castle Eltz

Like one out of an old tale about princes and princesses castle carriages Eltz is dignified as it stands down the hill in the middle of the most famous valley in Germany - Mosel. Here the climate is divinely soft and the landscape is constantly changing, thanks to the amazingly beautiful and diverse scenery.
Mosel Valley is among the most beautiful river landscapes of Europe. Deeply recessed between the Eifel hills and Hunsruk, in the Rhineland. To the left and right are rampant ingeniously terraced vineyards and nestled in them are towns and villages with castles, which attract thousands of tourists in this part of Germany.
Here the Romans founded Trier, the oldest city in Germany. Right here is the oldest wine village - Neumagen with the oldest wine vessel, and the oldest mill, north of the Alps.
Here is the Castle Eltz, which is surrounded by virgin nature of the place where the Mosel River enters the Eifel area. In 1268 ownership of the castle was shared between three brothers meaning that Eltz represents three different family branches. Over the years they built up each of the genera and separated their ownership, which led to the characteristic feature of the castle, its architectural diversity.
At Eltz you can get two hiking trails as the starting points for them are from Moselkern and Karden. You can reach the region easily by rail, all trains from Koblenz or Trier stop there. Naturally you can reach the castle by car, having built a special parking lot, located next to the chapel of St. Anthony. After parking you should climb up to the palace and the distance to it is about 800 meters.
Eltz castle has a lot to offer. Visitors here can enjoy the incredible collections of weapons, combat armor, medieval objects, and one of the dungeons have exclusive exhibition of rare and valuable copies of the artwork. Most of them date from the periods 12th and 18th century.