Inveraray Castle

Inveraray Castle stands against the backdrop of the beautiful mountain hill in western Scotland. This amazing palace was possessed for nearly 400 years of the Campbell family and members of their clan were hereditary Dukes of Argyll. Today the castle Invererey is a wonderful destination for walking, resting and relaxing amidst the beautiful scenery of Scotland.
The unique architecture of Inveraray is a successful combination of three architectural styles - Baroque, Gothic and paladin. The complicated history of design and construction of the palace began in 1720 when Sir John Vanbrugh began to draw sketches of Inveraray. Sir John was also the architect of Blenheim Palace and Howard Castle, which were built for the second Duke of Agri.

After the death of the chief designer of Inveraray, completion of the castle was the work of later architects, Roger Morris and William Adam, who had direct contact with the first works of the palace in 1746. Ascension is commissioned by Archibald Campbell - the third Duke of Argyll. The interitor of Inveraray was finished in 1771
The beautiful garden of the castle Inveraray extends over an area of sixteen acres, of which about two acres are occupied by lawns and flowerbeds. The rest of the framework of the Green Zone have been earmarked for parks and forests.
Today around the castle Inveraray is a favorite place for weekend getaways for numerous opportunities for sport and relaxation within the palace. Only some parts of Inveraray are open for public visits, the tourists there are forbidden to take pictures with a camera or camcorder.
In addition of enjoying the facade and interior of Inveraray castle within the complex, you have quite a lot of opportunities for recreation and outdoor sports. There is an option to rent a small house for a desired period of time. Within the castle there are excellent conditions for sports such as, shooting and hiking.
Nearby is the beautiful Loch Fyne, which is suitable for sailing, rowing and diving sports or hunting for salmon and trout. Besides these possibilities it is also a good base for horse riding and golf.
Around the castle of Inveraray there are several scary stories. One of them says that the palace is inhabited by the apparition of the murdered Duke of Argyl who was the owner of the mansion. Another legend in the story states that the sky above the palace is sometimes represented by various scenes of battles between the Frenchmen and the mountaineers.