Minnehaha Falls

Minnehaha Falls can be seen within the park of the same name in the United States. Minehaha is considered one of the oldest and most popular parks in Minneapolis, attracting over 850 million visitors each year.
The area with the beautiful natural Minnehaha Falls can be reached quite easily as it is located at the intersection of itself in the protected area.

The whole area covers about 193 acres of beautiful natural scenery with the most attractive sights including the Minnehaha Falls. Everywhere around there are beautiful meadows and forests of oaks, elms, maple, which alternate with wild herbs and flowers.
The region of Minnehaha has developed an excellent brand for new tourist territory. In summer there are crowds of people who choose among the abundance of outdoor activities such as concerts, picnics, walking and looking at the waterfalls.
For quite some time the beautiful waterfall background of Minnehaha was one of the places in Minneapolis for wedding receptions.
Among the enormous innovation within today, Minnehaha has a new swimming pool, golf course, four new picnic shelters, new building, new toilet, a volleyball court and beautifully constructed routes on which visitors can walk for hours.There are also options in Minnehaha to rent a bike.
Minnehaha Falls reaches a height of 53 meters and is considered one of the many beautiful natural attractions that can be seen in Minneapolis.
The entire park of Minnehaha is on the banks of the Mississippi River, but the waterfall was formed along the eponymous creek, and is located very close to the mouth of the Mississippi.
Beyond that, is a beautiful and pleasant bridge which has been built which will help you to reach closer to the heart of Minnehaha. The river path leads directly to it, but it is about half a mile long.
The gorge of Minnehaha is quite steep and unequal and therefore almost everywhere there are warning signs and fences that prevent visitors from falling off in the water. In 1849 an American writer gives Minnehaha the romantic name of Niagara Falls Paradise, but the truth is that the literal translation of Minnehaha merely means "waterfall."