Verdon Gorge - Les Gorj du Verdon

Gorge of the river Verdon or locally known, Les Gorj du Verdon is a unique mountain gorge, which is located halfway between Avignon and Nice. Situated high in the area of Provence in the Var, the huge parade is considered the largest in Europe.
For thousands of years in this part of southeastern France the river Verdon has passed through forming this beautiful and great gorge that cuts deep into the surrounding rocks.
The river bed of Verdon winds between the hills for about 23 km until it finally reaches the artificial lake Sainte-Croix-du-Verdon.
This beautiful gorge in places is often called, Europe's Grand Canyon, reaching a depth of over 750 m. The deepest and most impressive part occupies the territory between the towns castle and Moustiers-Sainte-Marie. The highest point reaches an impressive 1500 meters and below the level of the valley narrows the distance to 5-6 m.
This unique place, Les Gorj du Verdon was formed over nearly 25 million years ago, as the river water causes the surrounding soft limestone rocks to erode. Along the entire river through the centuries have formed very interesting caves and tunnels along the limestone plateau. So caves occurred over time and grow until finally the roof of the plateau fall down in them, resulting in the formation of a beautiful gorge.

River Verdon is an extremely popular tourist destination, mainly because of its proximity to the French Reviera. Once in 1905 the area was promoted by a French cave explorer, provoking it to become an attractive place for visitors.
There is possibility to rent a kayak, to practice rock climbing or just look at the beautiful gorge whilst walking. However, the road is very dangerous, so drivers must take caution. There are also special places for observation, where you can park up.