Clam Castle - Burg Clam

Already more than 500 years the Clam Castle is the pride of the town, located in Upper Austria. This medieval castle is distinguished from other Austrian fortresses , because its structure is still preserved with the original trenches. Clam Castle is an excellent opportunity for a person familiarize with life in the Middle Ages.
A guided tour of the complex allows visitors to see the extensive Renaissance courtyards of the castle, music rooms that are decorated with gilt, chapel, armory hall, rooms that were once inhabited by local counts, kitchen with dining room and many other interesting areas with original and unique furniture and decoration.

Clam Castle is located on Sperken 1 in the Austrian countrysides. It is located approximately halfway between Vienna and Salzburg, just a few minutes from the town of Grein of the Danube. From Salzburg to Clam road travel is about an hour and a half. From Vienna the journey is the same as after Grain, turn way right and travel for about 5 minutes.
Clam Castle was built in 1149 by Otto von Machland, who held all of Upper Austria in those dark ages. The original castle consisted of two towers of 30 meters height. Impressive buildings, one of which is round and one rectangular and exist today in the same form. In the Middle Ages the ownership and construction of the Clam Castle changed several times until finally it becomes property of the Counts Clam in 1454.
During the 30 Years War family Clam had its own army, which takes care of defense of the castle. In those troubled times of constant crises and riots, the fortress was attacked repeatedly, but it remains strong. Nevertheless, in the mid 17th century Clam Castle wakes tumbled in condition.
During the Renaissance the palace was owned by Johann Gottfried of Clam, who had a rich wife. Thanks to her assets he managed to regain the brilliance of the Clam Castle and even more.
From a functional battle fortress, Clam becomes the convenient castle we see today. During this period, the chapel was built, water sanitation was installed. During the 18 century was built a wing, which today goes form the inner courtyard of the Clam Castle. During the two world wars the palace manages to be protected from destruction.
Tours of Clam start from the lovely patio, built in Renaissance architectural style. You should visit the herb room, hall with arms, Gothic chapel, and then view the accommodation of the counts of Clam, where you can see original furnishings from the 18th century. High point in the tour of the palace is decorated with lovely dining room walls and hand-painted Austrian Tea sets.
Clam Castle is open during the summer months as a hotel, fitted with 20 authentically furnished in traditional style rooms. Historical rooms, and several modern interiors are let on 150 euros per night.