Tallahassee, Florida

Tallahassee is a city located on the territory of Florida and is its capital. City of Tallahassee is the seat of Leon County. The population of the city of Tallahassee is about 181 000 people.
Tallahassee is known for its many colleges and universities, among which stands out of Florida State University. Among the most famous universities are Saint Leo and Keiser.
Tallahassee is known as a regional center for trade and farm. It is one of the fastest growing centers of industrialization and high technology in Florida.
Tallahassee is an ancient Indian name that means fields. It was named by the Indians who inhabited these lands in the eighteen century. In the area Indian mounds are found, in the twelfth century.

In the winter of 1538 the expedition of Hernando de Soto reached the Indian town Anhaica, where today the city of Tallahassee lies. It is believed that this is the place where he celebrated his first Christmas in the U.S.
In the seventeenth century in the area where today lies the town of Tallahassee, several Spanish missions were built. The largest of them was called Mission San Luis de Apalachee.
Tallahassee was established as a city, which is the capital of Florida. The first session of the legislative council of Florida was held on the twenty-second if July 1822 in Pensacola. During the second session it was decided that meetings be held in Tallahassee, which was located halfway between Pensacola and St. Augustine, as the road was tiring and it takes more than a week. So in 1824, the meeting was conducted in Tallahassee.
In 1824, the French hero of the American Revolution, Marquis de Lafayette received from the U.S. Congress two hundred thousand dollars, U.S. citizenship and a large plot of land - ninety-three square kilometers.
Much of this land is now converted into the city of Tallahassee. In 1845 was erected the state Capitol building, known today as Old Capitol. The new Capitol building was built in the seventies of the twentieth century.
In the mid-nineteenth century, Tallahassee developed into a thriving city. It became a center for slave trade. During the American Civil War, Tallahassee was the only State capital of Confederation, which is located east of the Mississippi and was captured by Union troops.

In the nineteenth century institutions that combine the University of Florida, were based in Tallahassee, which even then began to take shape as a university town. In 1843 was founded the Female Academy Tallahassee. In 1855 the Seminary of West Florida transformed the institute. The seminary in 1858 joined with the Female Academy Tallahassee.
After the civil war most of the industry of Florida moved to the east and south. Industry of the state is transformed with the production of citrus fruits and tourism rather than the previous production of cotton, tobacco and the slave trade. After the American Civil War, former plantations were bought by rich southern people, who turned the area into hunting grounds during the winter season.
In the sixties of the twentieth century, there was the idea to move the capital to Orlando, but the idea was rejected. In 1977 the new Capitol building was completed. It is the third Capitol building in height in the U.S.