Kaieteur Falls

Kaieteur Falls is a fascinating picture of the natural territory of the of Guyana. Kaieteur Falls is one of the main landmarks in the non-traditional destination for tourists of Guyana.
Kaieteur Falls is located within the Kaieteur National Park and is located in the central part of the Guyanese rain water. The waterfall can be reached easily, as there are frequent flights between Ogle Airport and the international airport, Cheddi Jagan, which is located in Georgetown, and the airline segment of Kaieteur Falls.

Kaieteur Falls is situated on the Potaro river in western Guyana. Very close to the powerful stream of Kaieteur Falls is the border with Venezuela.
Kaieteur Falls is considered one of the largest waterfalls in the world with its majestic height of 226 meters. To get an idea of the huge size, 226 m means that Kaieteur Falls is about 5 times higher than Niagara Falls in North America and 2 times higher than the mighty Victoria Falls in Africa.
Kaieteur Falls is one of the few waterfalls on earth to impress both in height and in force of the water drop. It is an impressive waterfall that can be measured only with the Indian Falls, Dzhog. The noise that accompanies the falling water of Kaieteur is also powerful in volume.
The water flow to the first cascade is 226 meters and its overall height is measured at 251 meters. The average water flow of the Kaieteur Falls is 663 cubic meters per second, which is about 3 times the force of water power as the champion in Europe, Icelandic Dettifos.
During certain periods of the year every second Kaieteur Falls pours more than 1263 cubic meters, which is nearly 2 times more the falling waters of Niagara. During the rainy season, however the amount is much greater.
Kaieteur Falls is among the most deepest waterfalls in the world, with Victoria Falls, which is situated between Zambia and Zimbabwe and Jog in India.
Kaieteur Falls is one of the largest in the world, it has long been unknown territory for Europeans. Today Kaieteur Falls is less popular on the Continent as a tourist destination. The first white man who reached the majestic waterfall of Kaieteur Falls was the English geologist Charles Brown. This happened on April 24th, 1870.