Kyburg Castle

Kitchen in Kyburg Castle

Kyburg Castle is an excellent example of a medieval castle in Switzerland. Kyburg is located in northern Switzerland and dominates the surrounding area from its high hill.

In the lower parts remain there is the river Töss. The castle is located in the south of the city of Winterthur and belongs to the Swiss canton of Zurich.

As an ancient fortress of the House Kyburg, it is the third most important and influential family of the Swiss plateau after Habsburg and the House of Savoy, the castle Kyburg has witnessed some of the most important events in the history of the country .

The original name of Kyburg was in fact, Chuigeburg, which transforms as Küh-burg in time and literally translates as, The Castle of cows.

Hartmann von Dillingen was the owner in the "dark" ages of the fortress, which he came so after his wedding. After this time he was then called Earl of Kyuburg. It marked the beginning of one of the most important dynasties of northern and the northwestern part of Switzerland.

Kyburg Castle

After his death in 1264, Rudolf of Habsburg dynasty takes its heritage as a fortress. It is believed that after he was elected king of the German Empire, the royal treasures were kept in the castle Kyburg.

After this event Habsburg verifies their interest in the east to Carinthia and Lower Austria, the castle Kyburg then becomes the property of Zurich in the early 15th century. The castle became the residence of the noble citizens of Zurich who remained there till 1798.

These are members of the leadership, which dealt with lawsuits and the income of the village. After 1831 the castle Kyburg was sold at auction. The new owners of the medieval fortress began to use it as a place for exhibitions and as a museum.

Canton of Zurich buys the mansion back in 1917 and since 1999 it has been organized as a local museum, Verein Museum Schloss Kyburg. The exhibition of the museum of the castle Kyburg teaches all about life in the region over the past centuries.



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