Eden Project

Eden Project Cornwall

Eden Project is one of the most amazing and unique things in nature, created by human hands. Eden Project is ranked third among the best sights of the UK and is considered one of the wonders of the world.

Eden Project is a garden where nature has been collected throughout the world in all its uniqueness and diversity. The project means that at one time, one can visit various climatic zones, see the most amazing plants in the world and learn about the nature that surrounds us.

Eden Project is implemented in no longer usable clay kaolin mine valley, which has been in operation a whole 160 years. The place is located about 5 km from Cornwall, south-west England. Eden Project, considered by many to be the eighth wonder of the world, is located 2 km from the town of St. Blazey and 5 km from the largest city in the region - St. Austell

The idea for the Eden Project was that of a businessman Tim Smit, who decided to invest finance the creation of a building in which to grow plants from around the world, when they need artificial climates. The complex is the work of the architect Nicholas Grimshaw. The first part of the complex is open to the public in May 2000. The official opening of the entire Eden Project was on March 17, 2001.

The complex consists of several areas known as biomes, in which global nature zones are created and kept in their natural conditions. Each biome climate is similar to Southeast Asia, West Africa, South Africa and tropical islands. The Mediterranean biome recreates the climate in southwestern Australia, central Chile and California.

Eden Project

Among the typical humidity and temperature can be seen at various citrus, olive trees and many other typical Mediterranean plants. Mediterranean biome extends to 1.6 acres and reaches a height of 35 meters, width - 65 meters long and 136 meters. If one wants to visit the jungle Eden Project is his real chance to do so.

To build the Eden Project they used rammed soil. This material is eco-green in color, composed of sand, gravel and clay, mixed with some water. Construction equipment originated in ancient China 4, 000 years ago and then spread around the world. From rammed earth were built parts of the Great Wall and the Palace of Alhambra in Granada , Spain.

To the Eden Project was attached an educational center, which allows anyone wanting to, a chance expand their knowledge about the nature of the world. The center, called The Core is located on three floors, and all can see interesting exhibitions. Regularly in the core of the Eden Project are lectures and practical classes for both children and adults.

Eden Project is an exceptional place, which can be visited at a cost of 11-16 pounds - for a ticket, for a single visit. The pass is valid all day, but if you decide to go downtown with your family, it is better to buy a family ticket to 38 pounds.



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