
The historic medieval Het Steen Castle or also known as Antwerp Castle is one of the biggest attractions of the Belgian city of Antwerp. Antwerp has a rich ancient history and is known as the noble capital of the country...

Corte Citadel is one of the most impressive at first glance places in Corsica. Cooled on top of a high hill in the heart of Corsica, Corte Citadel dominates the small tile town, situated among the beautiful mountains and...

Balvenie Castle is an impressive fortress that was fighting in the lands of Scotland, which is abound with impressive fortifications. Today, Balvenie has only sketchy remnants and ruins of the impressive structure that w...

Dunnottar Castle is a guaranteed an exciting experience. Dunnottar Castle is located on an exceptionally beautiful rocky promontory on the northeastern coast of Scotland. Impressive and impregnable, today the castle Dunn...

Cesvaine Palace is like it has stepped out of a fairy tale. Extremely beautiful, magnetic and colorful, Cesvaine Palace is located in the Latvian town of the same name in the region called Madona District.
In 2001 th...

Rising in the middle of Marseilles Bay, the island and castle Chateau If is one intriguing place where actual and real history of events over the centuries are blurring its borders.
Known as the castle of the Count o...

Hermitage Castle is known as a pillar of the bloodiest valley in Britain. As most likely you will remember, this definition comes from the extremely saturated bloody battles and fighting past of the Hermitage Castle.

Grinzane Castle is a journey back in time. When you approach it, you will immediately feel the past come alive in the face of the castle Grinzane. Overall the architecture of Grinzane Castle is melted like a wonderful be...

The palace and the botanical garden in Balchik is one of the most beautiful places on the Bulgarian coast. This interesting and beautiful residence has organized rich gardens around it which are able to inspire everyone,...

Veliko Tarnovo is the old capital of Bulgaria. This former most important city in the country, is located in northern Dobrudja and is one of the most important historical settlements in Bulgaria and as such Tarnovo has m...

Buckingham Palace is the undisputed symbol of monarchical power in the United Kingdom. This is the first home of the British royal family and to this day is the official London residence of the British kings. Called a wo...