Simi Valley
Simi Valley is a city located in Ventura County, California. The population is about 124 000 people.
Simi Valley is the place where the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is. There, the former U.S. president was burie...
Warren is a city located in the territory of Michigan. It is located in the county Macomb. The population is about 134 000 people.
Warren is the largest city within the county Macomb. The city has many military and te...
Fullerton is a city located in the territory of California. The city is located within Orange County. The population is about 135 000 people.
The town was founded in 1887 by Edward Amerige, which he named after George...
Rockford is a town situated on the territory of Illinois. It is situated on both banks of the [Rock River], in northern Illinois. The city of Rockford is known as a forest town. Rockford is the administrative center of t...
Tacoma is a city located on the territory of [Washington]. Tacoma is the center of Pierce County. The city of Tacoma has a population of 198, 397 people.
Tacoma received its name from the nearby mountain [Rainier], wh...
Bridgeport is a city located within the state of Connecticut. Bridgeport is located within the county of Fairfield. The population is about 144 000 people.
The city is characterized by its attachment to the famous loc...
Peoria, Illinois
Peoria is a city located in the territory of Illinois. This is the largest city of the Illinois River and seat of Peoria County. The city and county are named after the ancient Indian tribe Peoria. The population of the ...
Lansing is a city located in Michigan and is the capital of the state. The town is situated on the territory of two counties - Ingham and Eaton. Lansing is only the capital of the state, not the county administrative cen...
Beaumont is a city located in the territory of Texas. Beaumont is located within Jefferson County and is the administrative center of the county. The population of the city of Beaumont is 118, 296 people. Together with P...
Clarksville is a city located in the territory of Tennessee. Clarksville City is located in Montgomery County and is the administrative center of the county. The population of the city of Clarksville is 132, 929 people.
Allentown is a city located in the territory of Pennsylvania. The city is located within the county Lehigh. It is the administrative center of the county. Allentown is the third largest city in Pennsylvania. The populati...